How to change email to reduce the possibility of checkpoint Facebook account 21/06/2022 After logging in to your account (login with or ) Go to Url:§ion=email&view Then F12 ( On Chrome) - Select Console Item Copy the Code below: var spinR = require(["SiteData"]).__spin_r; var spinB = require(["SiteData"]).__spin_b; var spinT = require(["SiteData"]).__spin_t; var jazoest = require(["SprinkleConfig"]).jazoest; var fbdtsg = require(["DTSGInitData"]).token; var userId = require(["CurrentUserInitialData"]).USER_ID; var hsi = require(["SiteData"]).hsi; var email = ""; var url = ""; var data = "jazoest=22134&fb_dtsg=" + fbdtsg + "&next=&contactpoint=" + email + "&__user=" + userId + "&__a=1&__dyn=&__req=1&__be=1&__pc=PHASED%3ADEFAULT&dpr=1&__rev=&__s=&__hsi=" + hsi + "&__spin_r=" + spinR + "&__spin_b=" + spinB + "&__spin_t=" + spinT; fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }).then(e => e.text()).then(e => {}) - Paste the code into the Console - Replace [email protected] in the "var email" field with the email you need to change -> Enter section. - Access email to confirm email changes.