Instructions for logging in with 2Fa 09/08/2021 Due to the high security of FB, if you log in with your username and password in the usual way with few accounts, it's okay, but when you log in to multiple accounts on the same machine, your account will be locked. It is imperative that you use login via cookies and 2FA is the best way. UID: is a series of identifiers for a facebook account and can be used as a login name Password: is the password to access the nick 2Fa Code: Extra Security Layer 2FA Code Log in to your Facebook account with the 2FA code Log in to Facebook with the username UID (first number of each line) and the corresponding password => FB requires 2FA code, how to get 2FA code as follows Step 1: Copy the 2FA encryption at the end of each line corresponding to each account Step 2: Go to Paste the code copied in step 1 into the box: 2FA Sercet In the 2FA Code box, a 2FA code will appear, a 6-digit string, copy this string and fill in Facebook to complete the login.